SRG is a critically integrated knitwear manufacture company in south India.
The Fabric dyeing division has an ability to produce 8 tons/day.
It is equipped with Thies soft flow machines, Bruckner Stenter, Bianco squeezer and compactor.
The yarn dyeing division has an ability to produce 7 tons/day.
It is equipped with Thieschesse dyeing machines,SSM Winding and rewinding and Stallam RF dryer.
The Rotary dyeing division has an ability to produce 4-5tons/day.
It is equipped with Reggani Rotary printing machine with 12 colors, CST Digital light engraver.
The laboratory is equipped with Data color Spectrophotometers and internationally accepted dispensing and lab dyeing machines.
The quality parameters are checked using JAMES HEAL equipment’s.