The SRG Processing Division, started in 2017, located at Tirupur is equipped with state of art fabric dyeing, yarn dyeing and rotary printing machinery spread across an area of 1 lakh sq feet. The factory duly meets all pollution control norms laid down by the Pollution Control Board. The facility boasts of Zero Liquid Discharge(ZLD) system, that represents the ultimate cutting-edge treatment system that eliminates wastewater discharge and maximizes water recovery. Apparently the unit recovers and reuses 95% of water. The laboratory houses some of the best equipments

Fabric Dyeing

Equipped with thies fabric machinery

Capacity of vessel varies from 3kg to 1000 kg

Capacity to produce 12 tonnes/day

Fabric Finishing machines: Compacting (Bianco), Stenter (Bruckner)

Both tubular and open width ranges

Testing with internationally accredited laboratories (SGS, Intertek, BV)

Yarn dyeing

Thies yarn dyeing machines

Capacity to produce 7 tonnes/day

Rotary Printing

Capacity to produce 6 tonnes/day

Types of prints include pigment, discharge, re-active, burn-outs, glitter and indigo

Special Features - Repeat sizes from 64 cm to 1 meter and water color prints

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